Monday, October 4, 2010

Did Milena Velba Any Hardcore?


I'm satisfied! Yesterday I decided to embark on fresh pasta. For some of you will be a cabbage, fresh pasta I made it many times normal, but the gluten-free ... I had a thousand doubts and if you do not stay together, and if it does not take all the cooking, and discarded, and if I can not straighten it as it should and is similar to a shoe sole ... and if .... what if ...
and if it was good and not so strange?
Here is my first experiment. I used a mix of flour and a friend had given me then I adjusted to this pasta recipe pizzoccheri i.
For the dough 100 grams of prepared pizzoccheri "Anna's bread, one egg, two tablespoons of oil, a little water. I put everything in bimby for 20 "vel. 4. Then I spread the dough with a rolling pin until you get a thin sheet. I used the rice flour to prevent it from attacking while I stretch out and say it was really easy.
I blanched pasta in salted water for one minute.
First of all what I had prepared:
- the white sauce co n 1 / 2 cups milk, 50 grams of rice flour, a teaspoon of salt
- two medium potatoes thinly sliced \u200b\u200band browned in a pan with a little bit of butter, a few leaves of sage and a little salt
- a bunch of herbs boiled, squeezed and put into pan with a tablespoon of olive oil and a clove of garlic and salt
- a mozzarella cheese and 1 hg dairy chopped, grated Parmesan
Lightly grease a baking dish and I paid a little bit of white sauce on the bottom, then I started to stratify the pasta, vegetables, cheese and a bit 'of white sauce.
the end before baking I topped with a bit of butter flavored with a sage leaf.
... who knows what they would think of this the Valtellina change their recipe??


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